Saturday, August 30, 2008

Life Must Go On

I have a lot of experience since my family broke up. I grew up alone and managed to live without depending on other people especially when it comes to heart problem. I have been very private with my life. Although my friends knew me they don't really know me well. I mean,there's still a lot of secret I've been hiding all my life. I prefer not to tell anyone about it and that's how I survived.

I'm now on my job training. This training really thought me how to be strong. When I first came here,I know there is someone who doesn't like me that's why she's treating me strange. I can't blame her. That's the way it is. The saying "You can't please everyone" is true.

But despite that difficulty of socializing with people I still managed to make friends with everybody. I learned it here with my boss. He's been very nice with people. Everytime he meets new friends, he introduces them to us. And he wants us to make friends with them also. He doesn't want to see people hating each other. I don't know. Maybe he's just too kind. Well he keeps on saying he grew up with ten sisters. I guess that explains why he's been very sensitive to all our needs. And it has been his weakness also. Girls. He can't manage to hurt them.

I don't know what my weakness is. I even don't know my strenghts. I don't know. Lately I noticed I've changed. I don't know me anymore. Maybe I'm just a bit confused because of what's happening with my life now.

My mother is sick and my boyfriend just broke up with me because he hates my family. He hates me. He doesn't know me anymore. I guess I really changed.

Now I'm still in the middle of my journey. I don't know what's going to happen next. I just know that life must go on no matter what.I learned that from my boss.